Does percutaneous internal ring suturing contain risk of ilioinguinal nerve entrapment?

Özlem Kara, Abdullah Yıldız, Hülya Erteşoğlu Toydemir, Fatma Münevver Gökyiğit, Melih Akın, Çetin Ali Karadağ, Nihat Sever, Ali İhsan Dokucu

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

10 Citations (Scopus)


Purpose: In this study, we aim to assess the alteration of IIN functions in children with inguinal hernias operated on using open or ‘percutaneous internal ring suturing’ (PIRS). Methods: This study was based on a prospective clinical trial of 60 pediatric patients. They were operated on using PIRS or conventional open hernia repair technique. Group 1 included 35 patients who were treated with PIRS technique. Group 2 included 22 patients who underwent a conventional open hernia repair. The ilioinguinal nerve stimuli in both the operational and non-operational areas were evaluated in patients with peripheral EMG for possible ilioinguinal nerve damage on the hernia side before the operation and to reevaluate ilioinguinal nerve function in the third postoperative week. Result: In Group 1, 19 cases underwent a preoperative EMG examination and in 35 cases, EMG examination was obtained postoperatively. Pre- and postoperative EMG results were normal in all cases in Group 1 on both the operational and non-operational sides. In Group 2, 15 preoperative and 25 postoperative EMG examinations were obtained. In Group 2, only one case with a right inguinal hernia who had normal preoperative EMG results showed no IIN response in a postoperative EMG evaluation obtained in the third postoperative week, with a normal left-side response. The EMG was repeated at the three-month postoperative third mark and revealed the same result. In a six-year-old female case, there was a negative EMG response on the non-operative side both pre- and postoperatively.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)485-491
Number of pages7
JournalPediatric Surgery International
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2015
Externally publishedYes


  • Hernia
  • Hernia repair
  • Laparoscopy


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