Integrating video-modeling into counseling skills and techniques course and its impact on counseling self-efficacy

Nazlı Büşra Akçabozan-Kayabol, Nurten Karacan Ozdemir, Oya Yerin Güneri, Fidan Korkut-Owen

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

7 Citations (Scopus)


Counselor education requires a comprehensive curriculum including entry-level courses as counseling skills and techniques which foster students’ basic knowledge in counseling and perceived counseling self-efficacy (CSE). Counselor candidates are provided opportunities to observe skills and techniques in practice through video modeling (VM) as one of the most favored teaching methods. The use of VM is not a common method in counselor training in Turkey; therefore, first aim of the current study was to investigate how VM-integrated counseling skills and techniques course affected students’ perceived counseling techniques efficacy and CSE. The second aim was to gain a deeper understanding of the use of VM as a teaching method in this course. A mixed-methods sequential explanatory design was used. The research setting of the current study was the undergraduate counseling skills and techniques course that integrated 10 previously developed short videos about counseling techniques or processes. There were 41 third-year students enrolled in this course who participated in the study (quantitative phase). Seven voluntary students (out of 41) participated in the focus group (qualitative phase). The paired samples t-test was applied to analyze the effectiveness of VM and the content analyses were conducted to examine qualitative data. Results showed that the VM-integrated course increased students’ perceived efficacy in using techniques and general CSE. Results of the focus group were categorized under four themes and provided critical insights to better understand the factors leading to increased self-efficacy. The results of this study were discussed in the light of previous literature on counselor education.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)8287-8299
Number of pages13
JournalCurrent Psychology
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2022
Externally publishedYes


  • Counseling self-efficacy
  • Counseling skills
  • Counseling techniques
  • Mental health practitioners
  • Video-modeling


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